
You can see an online version of my Honours Thesis Starting Points and Destinations here: http://www.invisiblecity.org/essay/.

The thesis explores concepts of memory, travel, space and place, including musings on the operation of monuments, cities of the gigantic, and non-places such as airports. The thesis then examines photography as a tool to join fractured narritives and explorations.

A criticism I give it now is its fusion of two disperate ideas: "non-places" and "fractured memory" which I tried, somewhat unsucessfully, to argue as related concepts in relation to ideas of travel and spacial and placial awareness. I feel I had too much going on, and my photographs, instead of being a collection of different images highlighting and exploring these concepts, operated more in a reconnected narrative sense which was at times confusing.

I like the chapters individually where I concentrate on different ideas, places and actions, and then explain why I photograph them and how the act of photography itself as a participation in those... but I feel I fall down when I try to explain this idea of "rebuilding narratives". I should have really got rid of the entire reference to non-places, which would have given my argument a greater degree of synthesis.

Also I do not touch enough on the subjectivity of such processes in my essay, which was difficult because my images were so subjective. I think I tried to intellectualise my idea too much (I was trying to legitimise) where I should have been challanging, addressing and teasing out the subjectivity of my work a bit more.

Anyway, I love the ideas I addressed, and would love to expand on it in the future.

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