
The instability of water contained in fleshy ground. The ground is a container - a receptacle. We can feel the moment; the time in this image through the vision of water contained for a moment. The water in the image speaks of the rain that fell, and the ground that will soak it up. Leaves blow across the surface, and a small glow of light shines as the water collects together. Time lets like meld into like, across an uneven surface. The moment before a dam bursts, a creek flows or rain falls is a stillness of a body awaiting escape. The moment here is the containment. The moment gives us a sense of power. We can see here the glittering sun; the seeping water, full of promise to become something else, to become part of something else, swallowed up. After it came, before it goes.

Emerging specters. The known is obscured being light; shadows; information. Between here and there is a journey. So the cinema of moments shows us how ones gets to somewhere else. A figurative journey, or a physical one. We almost can feel being present here, wanting to crawl through the leaves, pull branches aside, get there, faster. But we are caught, suspended in an uneasy state. Our eyes have time to wander, occluded spaces are revealed, time slows and we can SEE, for a moment, a thousand paths we could take, where to from here? Are we passing by? What do I want here? To look, to see, or to be there, to be present in that space? In some instances objects in the foreground give a sense of retreat. I am leaving this house, I am covered again, clouded, surrounded by information I know nothing.

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