
Ingar Krauss

Dominic Rouse

Michael Borremans

Doug Aitken - http://www.regenprojects.com/artists/doug-aitken/biblio/

Bill Viola

Thomas Ruff

When Faith Moves Mountains by Alys

Thomas Demand


Ideas Post 1

Anxious Landscapes

Anxious Spaces
Actions of Anxiety
What is an anxious state?
How do they manifest/operate?
What is a cause, and how do I perform it?
Photograph -> Performance -> Video -> Installation





Ingar Krauss - http://www.marvelligallery.com/Kra2.html
Dominic Rouse - http://www.dominicrouse.com/
Michael Borremans - http://www.davidzwirner.com/artists/11/

also of interest:

Doug Aitkin
Bill Viola
Thomas Demand
Thomas Ruff


Book post 2

  • The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness by Erich Fromm 1997


Sara Angelucci


Journal Articles 1

  • Photography and Fetish, Christian Metz, October, Vol. 34, Autumn, 1985 (Autumn, 1985), pp. 81-90
  • Photography as an Extension of the Ego, Colson, D.B. (1979). International Review of Psycho-Analysis., 6:273-282.
  • Literature and Photography: Interactions 1840-1990: A Critical Anthology, by Jordan Smith, Afterimage, Vol. 23, 1996
  • The Anxiety of the Image, Adrian Kear, Parallax, Volume 11, Number 3 / July-September 2005
  • Photography, Vision, and Representation, Joel Snyder, Neil Walsh Allen, Critical Inquiry, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Autumn, 1975), pp. 143-169
  • Anxious Landscapes: From the Ruin to Rust, Antoine Picon, ­Karen Bates­, Greyroom, Fall 2000, No. 01, Pages 64-83, MIT Press
  • Disembodied Spirits: Spirit Photography and Rachel Whiteread's Ghost, Journal article by Alison Ferris; Art Journal, Vol. 62, 2003


Books post 1

-The Engine of Visualization: Thinking Through Photography by Patrick Maynard
-Words of Light by Eduardo Cadava
-The Photograph: A Strange Confined Space by Mary Price
-Picturing Ourselves: Photography and Autobiography By Linda Haverty Rugg
-Fields of Vision: Essays in Film Studies, Visual Anthropology, and Photography edited by Leslie Devereaux, Roger Hillman
-Spectacular Suffering: Theatre, Fascism, and the Holocaust (Unnatural Acts: Theorizing the Performative) by Vivian Patraka
-Prosthetic Culture: Photography, Memory and Identity By Cecilia Lury
-Warped Space: Art, Architecture, and Anxiety in Modern Culture by Anthony Vidler
-Fear of Freedom & Art of Being both by Eric Fromm
-Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord


The basics

I'll be using this space to log articles and books, quotes, images, artists relevant to my MFA thesis. The premise of my these is, at this stage, to examine the concept of anxiety and the performative act as highlighted, exlored and presented in the photographic image.

I will also be using this blog to track ideas, keywords, throught processes, connections and non academic musings on my topic. It will probably be a rather haphazard collection. And that's fine.