
3 words:


of a site, by a person.
It is the perception of the usual and knowable aspects of a site, and how we use ideas of mapping to understand a site :

- I go here, this goes there, I move here, this follows this path, A is next to B
- This is how one perceives it, this is how one sees and hears and touches a site, this is the way we believe a site to be
- This is how I feel when I see this, this is my belief, this is my emotion, this is my though process
- This is how I move, this is my body operating in this space/site, this is what my senses see

But then, the unusal, the unknowable, the hidden, in these sites, how do we perceive them, how do they make us feel, how do we "know" them, what do they make us think of, what are our reactions, fear, flight, anxiety, unease, sadness?

Mapping the hidden (or not immediately apparent, not percieved, seen slightly, seen in a dream-like state) physiology of space and how these hidden aspects make us feel/react/question our usual relationship to a space/site and our role in it.

'We cover the universe with drawings we have lived.'
Bachelard, Gaston, The Poetics of Space (1958), tr. Maria Jolas, (Massachusetts: Beacon press, 1994) p. 12

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Resources - Slow time and Craigie Horsfield

Laidlaw, Marc, Great Breakthroughs In Darkness (Being, Early Entries From the Secret Encyclopaedia Of Photography) Postmodern Culture - Volume 3, Number 1, September 1992

Young, Lisa, Spiritual Minimalism PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art - PAJ 53 (Volume 18, Number 2), May 1996, pp. 44-52

Armstrong, C, The Dilation of Attention: The Photography of Craigie Horsfield, ARTFORUM, 2004, VOL 42; PART 5, pages 116-121