
A conversation regarding this image

as if you were flying when you took this
i do not like the title.
cause i do not see the whatever "nothingness" in it.
its vibrant, luscious, in motion...the image in motion, my eyes sway.and for whatever feeling i am feeling it feels like nature symbolizing the digital age....????
i think you should do more of this.....

the nothingness is the antithisis of this picture. the opposite, this image is the everything. its movement, colour, light, shape, it is tone and form, it buries us, overwhelms us.
It transmits, like a virus, all the feeling, and all the knowledge of a moment in time, staring, falling,
But never still, but always contained.

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New work 2007

Some new images from Nov 2007

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A pictorial reflection on Henri Bergson Matter and Memory

Matter thus resolves itself into numberless vibrations, all linked together in uninterrupted continuity, all bound up with each other, and travelling in every direction like shivers through an immense body.- Henri Bergson Matter and Memory

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Image from The Grotto October 2007 (I have my new Mamiya!)

And her hair creeps over her shoulders like foliage...

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A story - reflection from Berlin 2004

For months, while living in the student dorms in Berlin, I would pass this window. I became obsessed with looking out of it. The view was the bramble branches of a tree, and one day I saw in the branches a nest. The nest had eggs, blue ones, grey ones, maybe blue-grey, and I would state at them each time I walked past, waiting for them to hatch. They never did, at least while I was there. Maybe the eggs just went away, like they were eaten or the wind blew them away. More likely I forgot if they just went away or I left before they changed. But I like the repetition in my head, when I think about it, the pause, the waiting, this internal stasis.

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reflection on: A History of Colours, Manilo Brusatin

This is beautiful:

Sounds reveal a passage of time, an intensity, a timbre; colours a darkness, a clarity, a tone. Timbres and tones may possibly bear a resemblance to each other, but beyond these, sounds seem to fly away (reverberate) into the dimension of space, which contains them, whereas colours move through the dimension of time, which keeps or consumes them. We are pushed toward the colours of our memories as towards the resonances of places we have known. - A History of Colours, Manilo Brusatin

This is kind of exactly what my entire practice is about. Colour, Light, Memory, and the psychology of these tones' physicality, the knowledge of their appearance and their use as mnemonic devices.

Its like pathology, and photography captures it so well. The drama of space that contains them, propels them, and the bodies that feel their pulse and perceive them. Its so quiet, so slow, so elongated, the feeling of describing them bloom of light/colour in the mind or on the body of a person. Like a memory or scar. A secret.

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